Energy Transition

In this series, I attempt to uncover the megatrend around us. The world is moving toward renewable sources of energy.

This is the compilation of what I have shared so far on this topic.

(1) Electrify and decarbonize

The crux of the post is that clean energy is cost-competitive with conventional energy sources. There are challenges though, especially the intermittency part of major renewable sources like Solar and Wind.   So the world is moving towards electrification of energy usage. Secondly, the energy use cases that can't be electrified should be decarbonized to the extent possible (use case of green hydrogen). 

(2) Green Hydrogen

Post about Hydrogen Economy. Why it makes sense to invest in Hydrogen for a sustainable future, and the challenge involved.

(3) Transmission Challenge and Opportunity

One of the important pieces of the energy transition puzzle is transmission. In the past transmission was simpler, but now transmission itself is evolving as the power generation gets decentralized with renewables. There is a humongous task to be carried out in transmission space for a cleaner future.

(4) India Electrified

This post outlines the opportunities in Clean Energy Infra i.e. Generation + Transmission in India.

The renewable opportunity in India is enormous. The tilt towards renewables serves strategic interests of energy self-reliance and economic interests arising due to cheaper unit cost economics amid increasing demand as the country moves towards continued GDP Growth.

(5 & 6) Mapping the Energy Transition Ecosystem in India